
Made4More is a community of sons and daughters who are passionate about encountering God's love, power and manifest presence and seeing His plans and purposes fulfilled in our generation.

This is an invitation to you

We want to see God move in our lives, homes, workplaces, nations, and generation as we arise as His sons and daughters in all spheres of influence.
If you have a hunger and thirst to experience the love, presence and power of God.
If you think there has got to be more? This can’t be all that there is to life.
If the cry of your heart is; I want more of you, Lord.
If you are seeking a fresh encounter with God.

Join us at the Made4More Gatherings

Made4More is our monthly meeting focused on encountering intimacy with God, experiencing His love and discovering His purpose for our lives.

Sign up for the Made4More Course

Made4More is a faith-based course designed to help you discover who you are in God, what you have in Him and why you are here. The sessions are very interactive with individual activities, reflection, group discussions and practical tips to help you explore and unleash your purpose.

The LoveTalks Academy offers courses and workshops that help you live out your purpose, strengthen your marriage and build healthy relationships. Click here to find out more on our main Academy Page