



Made4More is a faith-based course designed to help you discover who you are in God, what you have in Him and why you are here.


‘Understanding Me” is a half day virtual workshop for anyone wishing to learn more about themselves and grow in their self-awareness, increase their impact, and influence, and strengthen their relationships.



Stronger Together is a course designed to help married and courting couples build and strengthen their relationship with each other.


“Understanding Us – The Symbis Couples Workshop” is a virtual workshop designed for any couple wishing to deepen their understanding of each other, using the SYMBIS assessment as a tool for connecting, learning and growing together.



Being a parent can be so rewarding and yet challenging at the same time. This is a faith-based course with insights from neuroscience, led by trained and experienced facilitators.


“Understanding Your Child,” is a virtual half-day workshop for parents wishing to influence their child(ren) by discovering and understanding their child(ren)’s personality.

‘Unlock Potential’ is a virtual career guidance workshop designed for parents and children (aged 15 or year 10 upwards) to help them identify their strengths and potential career options.

Not sure which
one to join?

Send us a message and we will help you decide which course is the best for you.